It’s hard to capture 16 full days of brand new experiences into words. 16 days where every turn, every new event, brought never before seen images to light. New smells and tastes from cuisines so real, so authentic, they were only experienced at the good fortune of welcome invitation into local villagers’ kitchens and to a seat beside them in their homes. Your tour has brought new understanding of different religions, of cultural differences so beautiful they should be celebrated, and a firsthand experience of the kindness of humanity that crosses the barriers of race, language, and daily customs. More than anything, this tour filled our hearts. It filled them with hope. Hope that others can experience this tour and realize that despite our differences we are the same in many ways. Our hearts were filled with the love from the locals who opened their homes to us. With the pride they had in their heritage, customs and culture. We were touched to the point of tears.

~ Luke and Alta
Seattle, WA