VegVoyages Foundation


The VegVoyages Foundation was established with the belief that travel should be beneficial for both the people traveling and the communities we are guests of. Since the beginning, Vegan Travel Asia by VegVoyages has been incorporating social charitable activities, projects, and programs as a key part of our journeys. Whether it is helping out at a local grassroots animal rescue or sanctuary, assisting with community education projects or community recycling programs, supporting local animal protection and conservation initiatives, providing school supplies, water filtration plants and desks to village schools, or serving up vegan lunches at children’s homes and emergency relief centers, amongst many others. We make it our responsibility to help the communities that have welcomed our guests and us into their hearts and homes over the years.

The VEGVOYAGES FOUNDATION is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit public charity. If you would like to see a copy of our IRS determination letter, please email

Up to this day, VegVoyages has continuously cared for and supported:

  • 5 Local Villages schools and 2 Children’s Homes (in North India, South India, Bali, and Nepal)
  • 6 Animal Sanctuaries (turtle conservation projects in Bali and Malaysia, coral reef conservation programs in Indonesia and Sri Lanka; a bear rescue and rehabilitation center in Laos; wildlife protection in Sumatra and Thailand; and other animal rescue and rehabilitation centers and initiatives in North India, South India, and Nepal).
  • Compassionate education projects and outreach and social development programs for marginalized communities in Sri Lanka, Laos, and Nepal.
  • 13 Community-Based Programs – ranging from reef restoration’s projects, local recycling centers, an educational institution providing skills to disabled woman, a center providing prosthetic, orthotic, and rehabilitation to those who are missing limbs due to UXO, and personal empowerment programs for women and youth from low-income areas to be able to generate extra income to support themselves and their families.
  • In January 2024, the VegVoyages Foundation was proud to support the Animal Liberation Sanctuary in Nepal. Founded by Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 2000, the sanctuary is dedicated to providing a safe haven for animals (especially goats) rescued from slaughter. Our collaboration involved sponsoring a month’s supply of essential food and medicine for the sanctuary’s 50+ inhabitants. This initiative represents more than just a charitable act; it’s a meaningful step towards building a more compassionate and caring world. By ensuring the well-being of these rescued animals, we are reinforcing our commitment to kindness and empathy, the principles that guide our foundation’s mission.


The people that we meet along our journeys, the volunteers, the activists, the people behind the organizations, the children from rural areas that are so excited to learn, the housewife who is very proud to be able to contribute to (and in many cases, support) the household income, the young man who has lost his legs from UXO but is still full of smiles and dreams as he helps others not to have to face the same outcome, the beautiful animals that are saved and recovering at shelters, amongst others, they all inspire us to do more.

To be able to support and help more, we established the VegVoyages Foundation, a non-profit organization specifically focusing on helping empower the communities that have welcomed us into their hearts and homes.


Helping children to get the supplies they need for their studies as well as the resources they need to be able to continue their studies and be better prepared for the future. Helping provide a good quality education that not only emphasizes books, but as importantly, COMPASSION; so they can make better decisions knowing that their lives can make both a positive and negative impact not only on themselves, but also on their communities, their natural resources, and on the planet on the whole.


The VegVoyages Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization funded mainly by Vegan Travel Asia by VegVoyages, as a significant portion of each tours’ profits is dedicated to being used for the foundation’s projects and programs. The VegVoyages Foundation also receives generous support from our regular guests and friends. We deeply appreciate and are very grateful for their invaluable help in making all VegVoyages Foundation projects and programs possible. 100% of all donation money goes directly to the communities and educational programs that the VegVoyages Foundation is working on. Thank you very much to our friends and guests who have been supportive of the VegVoyages Foundation’s work over the years – we very much greatly appreciate it.


If you would like to lend your support to the VegVoyages Foundation, whether you would like to get involved as a donor or potential VegVoyages Foundation partner, you have the power to Start Something for a child, animals, and the planet, today. Email us to learn more about how you can be the best partner for the communities, at:

VegVoyages Foundation is a non-profit organization. VegVoyages Foundation is not a job, for us – this is our passion. Therefore 100% of your donation is going directly towards the projects in the communities we collaborate with. We have NO administration, marketing, or support costs, which means, 100% of all funds donated to the foundation are used directly in these programs.

VEGVOYAGES FOUNDATION is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit public charity. If you would like to see a copy of our IRS determination letter, please email at any time. Your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by US law.