
Vegan Travel Asia

Visit Cambodia!

Discover the allure of Cambodia with VegVoyages, where ancient wonders and modern vibrancy intertwine to create an unforgettable travel experience. Unveil the mysteries of Angkor Wat, an architectural masterpiece that transports you back in time, adorned with intricate carvings and steeped in spiritual energy. Traverse the lively streets of Phnom Penh, where the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda showcase the nation’s regal history.

Join us on a unique vegan adventure as we journey through Cambodia, an incredible nation in the heart of Southeast Asia. We can’t wait to introduce you to our Khmer krousar (family) as we travel together through this breathtaking country. Welcome to ‘The Kingdom of Wonder” where the inspirational and heartwarming stories of our humble Khmer hosts will bring you closer to understanding their homeland from the times of the ancient Khmer civilization of Angkor to today.

Cambodia Tours

Cambodia is a charming and exciting country that will leave you yearning for more. With modern tourism only ‘discovering’ Cambodia at the dawn of the millennium, there are still many undiscovered corners and untold stories in this enchanting nation, which over the centuries has witnessed epic triumphs, as well as survived equally impactful and devastating tragedies.